euthanasia, the right to die.

That the right to receive help to die be regulated will not make people want to die more, nor are there any indications that a slippery slope could lead to abuse by family members or doctors. On the contrary, in countries such as Belgium or the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been regulated for more than 20 years, such abuses have not occurred, and, on the other hand, those who have been trapped in a disease that causes them great suffering and perceive it as a condemnation. they can free themselves from it in decent medical conditions.

The fact of being born and that of dying are nothing but facts and only facts, naturally adorned with all the relevance that one desires. Precisely for this reason they can not be considered as worthy or unworthy according to the circumstances in which they occur, for the simple and elementary evidence that the human being always, in any case and situation is exceptionally worthy, is being born, living or dying. To say otherwise is to go directly against what distinguishes us and unites us as a society. Legalizing euthanasia is a declaration of social, political and medical defeat before the patient that will not end the perplexities of life, or of death, or with the doubts of conscience of doctors, patients and family members.

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