
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2018


Tyson guides viewers through different aspects of reality through the revelation of Science and the ship of the imagination. Argue the authors who have worked on something similar to the original series with new special effects to the taste of the day. Thus, according to MacFarlane, the new spacecraft was designed to be timeless and very simple, using the roof for future events and the floor for those of the past, allowing Tyson, as an animator, to take the viewer to the places he describes.16 Featured elements were created by a team of animators chosen by MacFarlane. Kara Vallow produced and developed the animation with the Six Point Harness study.17 cosmos is another of my favorite series is a documentary about the universe and apart with a graphic never seen before. I recommend it to you teacher!

euthanasia, the right to die.

That the right to receive help to die be regulated will not make people want to die more, nor are there any indications that a slippery slope could lead to abuse by family members or doctors. On the contrary, in countries such as Belgium or the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been regulated for more than 20 years, such abuses have not occurred, and, on the other hand, those who have been trapped in a disease that causes them great suffering and perceive it as a condemnation. they can free themselves from it in decent medical conditions.   The fact of being born and that of dying are nothing but facts and only facts, naturally adorned with all the relevance that one desires. Precisely for this reason they can not be considered as worthy or unworthy according to the circumstances in which they occur, for the simple and elementary evidence that the human being always, in any case and situation is exceptionally worthy, is being born, living or dying. To say otherwise is to go direc
Free, safe and free abortion. abortion in Chile is legalized in three causes, but these are insufficient to ensure the rights of us women. The question today is not whether women should or should not abort, but whether it should be clandestine or safe. The legality of the body and its sovereignty is a human issue, and in this case women. Today abortion is in public debate, with broad approval by the public, but due to the conservative government in which Chile is submerged, this has been delayed. The rich defend illegal abortion to keep it secret and not be embarrassed. I'm sick of poor girls dying to us that the rich abort in secret. We die in the villas and Sanatoria make fortunes by removing the shame of the belly to the rich. With the divorce they said it was the end of the family and it was only the end of the shame of the illegal separated. With legal abortion there will be more or fewer abortions, there will be fewer dead mothers. The rest is t